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创建的: 2024-12-05T10:34:37

skos:notation: 6c92d8e5

community fish refuges  


  • Information A community fish refuge is a form of stock enhancement or a fish conservation measure that is intended to improve the productivity of rice field fisheries. The idea behind refuge ponds is to create dry season refuges or sanctuaries for brood fish in seasonally inundated rice fields. Refuge ponds can be man-made ponds or natural ponds that can hold water throughout the year.

    创建的: 12/5/24

  • Information El refugio comunitario de peces consiste en un estanque local conectado a los campos de arroz por medio de canales, de manera que se estabilizan las poblaciones de peces en los campos de arroz, se les proporciona un refugio y se mejora la productividad de la pesca en los campos de arroz.

    创建的: 12/5/24

  • Information Le refuge communautaire pour les poissons se compose d’un étang (géré par le village) relié aux rizières par des canaux. Le système permet de stabiliser les populations de poissons dans les rizières en leur offrant un lieu sûr et d’améliorer la productivité de ces dernières.

    创建的: 12/5/24

  • Information ويتألف الموئل المجتمعي لألسماك من حوض قروي متصل بحقول األرز من خالل قنوات، مما يؤدي إلى استقرار مجموعات األسماك في حقول األرز، ويوفر موئال آمنا لألسماك ويحسن إنتاجية المصائد في حقول األرز. (ar)



  • Fish refuge ponds are typically not privately owned, as the connecting rice fields become open access when inundated. Access to such fishing grounds and the resources found there can only be managed collectively. Therefore, using refuge ponds to enhance rice field fisheries requires a community-based approach rather than by one based on individual, household, or private sector initiatives.





RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD 创建的 2024/12/5, 最后修改 2024/12/5