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systems > agrifood systems > food systems > traditional food systems

Предпочитаемый термин

void:inDataset: http://aims.fao.org/aos/agrovoc/void.ttl#Agrovoc

Создано: 2024-02-16T15:47:25

skos:notation: 2adc4da9

traditional food systems  


  • Information All food from a particular culture available from local resources and culturally accepted. It includes sociocultural meanings, acquisition/processing techniques, use, composition, and nutritional consequences for people using the food.

    Создано: 2/16/24

  • Information Belirli bir kültüre ait, yerel kaynaklardan temin edilebilen ve kültürel olarak kabul edilen tüm yiyecekler. Besini kullanan insanlar için sosyokültürel anlamları, edinim/işleme tekniklerini, kullanım, bileşim ve beslenme sonuçlarını içerir.

    Создано: 3/21/24


Концепция более широкого понятия


  • Traditional food systems are maintained especially by local communities, who retain knowledge of the local agroecosystems. This leads to the perseverance of specific food cultures within their regions.

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Создано 16.02.2024, последнее изменение 20.07.2024