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Created: 2009-03-02T00:00:00Z

Last modified: 2023-07-06T18:32:42Z

Notation: 36645

Французская Вест-Индия  


  • Information Les Antilles françaises sont les îles françaises de l'archipel des Antilles dans la mer des Caraïbes. Groupe de départements et régions d'outre-mer et de collectivités d'outre-mer: Martinique, la Guadeloupe, Saint-Barthélemy et la partie française de Saint-Martin.

    Created: 1/23/24

  • Information The French West Indies or French Antilles are the parts of France located in the Antilles islands of the Caribbean: The two overseas departments of Guadeloupe and Martinique, and the two overseas collectivities of Saint Martin (French part) and Saint Barthélemy.

    Created: 1/23/24


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  • Geographical below country level

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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 11/20/11, last modified 9/21/24