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... > Entità > strutture > Strutture amministrative > Unità > Unità organizzative > Ministeri > Unità amministrativa di base

Preferred term


Created: 2019-12-23T15:07:50.377+01:00

Notation: 3022da1f

Unità amministrativa di base  


  • Information administrative entity, subject to registration (by law), or recordation (by informal right, or customary right, or another social tenure relationship), consisting of zero or more spatial units against which (one or more) unique and homogeneous rights (e.g. ownership right or land use right), responsibilities or restrictions are associated to the whole entity, as included in a Land Administration system

    Created: 10/16/19


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RDF/XML TURTLE JSON-LD Created 10/16/19, last modified 7/3/24